1. المطورين في دبي
  2. Sobha

Sobha للبيع في دبي

Sobha Limited, which began its journey as Sobha Developers Limited, is a well-known Omani international real estate company with its main office in Bangalore, India. It started in 1976 in Oman when P.N.C. Menon opened it as an interior design business. From the period of its establishment, Sobha has grown and now has a strong influence in many countries, such as the UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Brunei, and India. As they care about quality and the environment when they build homes, people know them as a luxury developer.

مشاريع قيد الإنشاء للبيع من بواسطة Sobha

عقارات جاهزة للبيع من بواسطة Sobha

About Developer Sobha

Sobha Limited includes many different services, such as building, developing, selling, managing, and running cities, housing projects, businesses, and more. There were more than 3,000 employees in Sobha in 2021. The company is proud of its backward integration strategy, which gives it control over the whole building process, from the supplies to the workers. They've been able to meet high standards for quality and skill on projects by using this method.


The Price of Properties by Sobha Developer

Sobha's buildings are known for their style and high status in the market, and the developer itself is known as a luxury real estate company with projects all over the world. Sobha is renowned for having a variety of luxurious living choices, such as presidential apartments, villas, townhouses, and luxurious flats.

Best Properties by Sobha Developer

Sobha Hartland: is considered as the company's most famous project. It presents a lot of luxurious apartments, villas, and homes for sale. Sobha Hartland is located in a great spot and is meant to offer a mix of modern life and the peace of lush green settings.

Sobha Hartland 2: After the success of Sobha Hartland, Hartland 2 is a big project that claims to keep the same high standards of luxury and privacy. The goal of this creation is to provide better living conditions with cutting edge features.

Sobha Reserve: It is known for its private homes, which are made with privacy and custom luxury in mind. With a focus on room, comfort, and style, each house is designed to provide a unique way to live.

Each of these buildings shows how dedicated Sobha is to quality and how they want to build communities that are both sustainable and beautiful.


Economic Attractiveness of Sobha's Properties

Sobha's homes are not just about beauty, but it's also about worthwhile investments. The recent start of huge projects worth $6.53 billion, like Sobha 1 and Hartland 2, shows that the company is confident in the UAE real estate market's recovery. Their projects are known for giving investors a good return on their money. This is because they are well built, and the Sobha name is well known. The rising prices of homes and rents in places like Dubai and Abu Dhabi also show that buying in Sobha's buildings is a good idea from an economic point of view.

Do you want to know more about the high-end and affordable homes that Sobha Developer has to offer? Get in touch with our agents at F&C Properties to find out more about these beautiful real estate options. We are here to help you and give you the information you need to make the right decision. 


الأسئلة الشائعة

يمكن للمشترين/ملاك العقارات الحصول على توكيل قانوني رسمي موثق. ويمكن لهذا الشخص الذي يحمل توكيلاً رسميًا أن يتمتع بحق التصرف في العقارات نيابة عن الملاك، كما هو مذكور في التوكيل. ويكون التوكيل صالحًا لأغراض مثل البيع والرهن والهبة لمدة عامين. وفي حالة الشراء بتوكيل رسمي يكون التوكيل صالحًا لمدة 5 سنوات من تاريخ التصديق لدى كاتب العدل.
نعم، يمكنك بيع العقار قيد الانشاء قبل تاريخ اكتماله.
يحق للمشتري الحصول على تأشيرة مستثمر في الإمارات العربية المتحدة إذا كان إجمالي استثماره مليون درهم أو أكثر في فى عقار او ثلاثة عقارات كحد أقصى.
نعم، يمكن لأي جنسية امتلاك عقار في مناطق التملك الحر المخصصة في دبي ويمكن للوريث وراثته.
حساب الضمان هو حساب يعمل كوسيط تمويلي ثالث حيث يحصل التاجر على الأموال المحولة (من قبل المشتري) بمجرد استيفاء اتفاقية الضمان. إذا لم يلتزم التاجر بالاتفاقية، يتم إعادة الأموال إلى المشتري. في سوق العقارات في الإمارات، لحساب الضمان وظيفة خاصة جدًا. يجب على المطورين فتح حسابات ضمان مختلفة لكل مشروع وفقًا لقانون حساب الضمان في الإمارات. يحمي أموال المشترين وينظم التمويل الذي يحصل عليه المطورون.